Porcelain Crowns In Red Bank, NJ

Porcelain Crowns In Red Bank, NJ

Porcelain crowns are dental restorations for damaged or decayed teeth. A 3D scan is used to capture precise images of the patient’s tooth, replacing traditional impressions. This scan is then used in a computer-aided design program to create a virtual model of the crown, tailored to the patient’s dental anatomy. The design is then sent to a computer-aided manufacturing system, such as a 3D printer or milling machine, to create the physical crown. This process improves accuracy, fit, and efficiency in creating porcelain crowns.

Porcelain Crowns may be used to treat a variety of dental issues, including:

● Repairing severely decayed teeth.
● Strengthening and protecting weakened or fractured teeth.
● Restoring teeth that have undergone root canal treatment.
● Enhancing the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth.
● Covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges.
● Correcting bite alignment and improving overall dental function.

Benefits of Porcelain Crowns include:

● Natural appearance, as they closely mimic the color and translucency of natural teeth.
● Durability and strength, providing long-lasting tooth protection.
● Restoring proper chewing and biting functionality.
● Resistant to staining, maintaining a bright and vibrant smile.
● Minimal tooth sensitivity after placement.
● Improved oral health by covering and protecting damaged teeth.
● Boosting self-confidence with a more attractive smile.
● Enhancing facial aesthetics and symmetry.
● Maintaining proper tooth alignment and preventing further dental issues.
● Supporting neighboring teeth and preventing excessive wear.


Porcelain crowns are suitable for most individuals with damaged or cosmetically flawed teeth. They are versatile, but Dr. Goldstein will assess your oral health during your visit to determine if they are right for you.

The process involves two dental appointments with Dr. Goldstein in Red Bank, NJ. Duration varies based on individual cases.

The procedure is usually painless with local anesthesia. Some may experience mild discomfort afterward, managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Porcelain crowns closely match natural teeth, ensuring they blend seamlessly.

The best way to care for your porcelain crown is to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist regularly. It is also best to avoid biting hard objects or using teeth as tools.

Once securely bonded, you can eat a normal diet but avoid excessively hard or sticky foods.

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